

Frequently Asked Questions

GAIACOIN is a Carbon Credit & Carbon Offset Investment Company. It is owned by INVESTOR Shareholders and invests all its funds in climate change opportunities (for simplicity we refer to Carbon Credits & Carbon Offsets as “Carbon Credits” except where we need to refer to them separately).
What is GAIACOIN’s Investment model, and what does it do?
The GAIACOIN investment model involves funding the business model with $3.5 million in equity from INVESTORS. These Investors own the shares in GAIACOIN. GAIACOIN then issues tokens to token buyers and uses those funds to reward good Carbon Credit Projects, invests in new Carbon Credit Projects, and buys Carbon Credits.
How does it work?
The initial equity ($3.5 million) funds the setup of the infrastructure for the token funding roll out and then the token funds are invested in Carbon Credit activities.
How does GAIACOIN fund its business model?
GAIACOIN funds the set-up of its business model with the equity ($3.5 million) and then funds the Carbon Credit investment strategy by issuing tokens. It is proposed that GAIACOIN will raise $35 million year 1 and $68 million year 2, by issuing GAIACOIN Tokens. The ability to raise these funds is impacted by market conditions.
How does GAIACOIN make money?
GAIACOIN invests token funding proceeds in Carbon Credits which it owns. Each token issue increases the value of GAIACOIN for its shareholders. GAIACOIN will hold Carbon Credits which will increase in value, and GAIACOIN will trade Carbon Credits when profitable to do so. GAIACOIN will also invest in Carbon Credit Projects that produce new Carbon Credits.
How does GAIACOIN make money?
GAIACOIN invests token funding proceeds in Carbon Credits which it owns. Each token issue increases the value of GAIACOIN for its shareholders. GAIACOIN will hold Carbon Credits which will increase in value, and GAIACOIN will trade Carbon Credits when profitable to do so. GAIACOIN will also invest in Carbon Credit Projects that produce new Carbon Credits.


Is this document an offer to invest?
No, it is not. This document is for informative purposes only. If you have an interest in GAIACOIN then you will need to talk to a representative of GAIACOIN to see if you qualify to receive an offer. ASIC has strict guidelines regarding this process and GAIACOIN complies with those provisions at all times.


What would I be investing in?
You would be investing in shares in GAIACOIN, and your shares would give you a proportional ownership of all the assets of GAIACOIN and entitlement to dividend distributions.
What would I own?
You would own a proportion of all the assets of GAIACOIN. These assets will be Carbon Credits and Projects producing Carbon Credits.


What do I get?
You get shares in GAIACOIN.
What type of shares would these be?
You would get Non-Redeemable Preference Shares. The Preference Shares are entitled to preferential payment of dividends and preferential distribution of surplus assets in front of ordinary shareholders. There are only two ordinary shareholders, and they are the Founders. (Contact a representative of GAIACOIN for further information).
Am I investing in crypto currency or tokens?
Who invests in or buys the GAIACOIN Tokens?
Typically people under 35 who trade in cryptocurrencies, care about climate change and saving the planet, and want to invest in reducing Carbon Emissions
Does GAIACOIN invest in crypto tokens or coins?

No. GAIACOIN does not invest in or own any tokens or coins.

Would I have an exposure or risk in crypto tokens or coins?

No. There is no direct exposure or risk to crypto tokens or coins.

Would I be able to cash out of my investment?

Yes. You would own shares which you can sell and transfer.

How much might I make?

It is possible that you can make 19.5 times your investment at the end of year 2. The Investment is high risk as it is a new venture but therefore the returns are high. You could, however, lose all of your investment.

Would I get a dividend?

GAIACOIN proposes to have a dividend policy and all shareholders are equally entitled to declared dividends.

Would my investment be guaranteed?

No. There are no guarantees. It is high risk but because of that it has potential high returns. However, as previously stated, you could lose all of your investment.

Would my investment be safe?

If GAIACOIN is successful in issuing the original tokens and raising the first $35 million, then the INVESTORS equity is backed by a minimum asset backing of $23 million. If GAIACOIN is not successful in raising the token funding, then it is possible that investors can lose their money.

Could I lose my money?

Yes. Like any new investment undertaking there is a chance you can lose your money.

How do I invest?

You contact a representative of GAIACOIN to discuss your eligibility to participate in GAIACOIN. ASIC has strict guidelines around this process and GAIACOIN complies with those provisions at all times. If you do not qualify then you would not be eligible to receive an offer to invest and you will not be able to invest.


What are Carbon Credits & Carbon Offsets?

Carbon Credits are normally associated with mandatory Carbon Schemes run by governments of countries or states. Carbon Credits are certificates with permission to emit a certain amount of Greenhouse Gases (measured in CO2e equivalents). Each certificate is an entitlement to emit one
(1) tonne of CO2e into the Carbon Credits are valuable and are tradable.

Carbon Offsets are associated with the Voluntary Carbon Market where Projects are undertaken to remove CO2e from the atmosphere. Independent reputable organizations register Carbon Offset Projects, issue, and audit Carbon Offset Certificates. The Carbon Offsets are tradable. (As noted earlier, for simplicity we refer to Carbon Credits & Carbon Offsets as “Carbon Credits” except where we need to address them separately).

Are there different Carbon Credit & Carbon Offset markets?

Yes. The Carbon Credit and Carbon Offset Markets are largely unregulated, and transactions (buying & selling) are done on an over-the-counter market. Brokers and trading houses are developing platforms to trade these securities.

What is the largest market?

The largest Carbon Credit market is the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). This is a mandatory cap and trade scheme involving 27 EU member states plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway. It has been in operation for 17 years and accounts for 78% of the tradable market and 28% of the total annual potential tradable market. Total value of this market is US$769 billion.

Who participates in these markets?

Mandatory market participants (Carbon Credits) will generally be the largest emitters in the jurisdiction, covering power generators, miners, steel makers, cement manufacturers, transport companies and airlines. These participants are issued Carbon Credits by the governing body (emissions entitlements) and if they emit more than that allowance, they need to buy additional Carbon Credits from other participants and/or the issuing authority. Participants who don’t emit up to their Carbon Credit allowances may sell their excess certificates (Carbon Credits) to participants who have exceeded their allowances.

Voluntary Market Participants are corporations or institutions who choose to reduce their Carbon footprint (total emissions) by buying Carbon Offsets created by Carbon Offset Projects that remove CO2e from the air. There are Carbon emitters and Carbon reducers, and they buy and sell from each other to net off emissions. Examples of these participants are Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Ikea, and Tesla. Tesla sold US$1.8 billion of Carbon Credits in the 2022 year.

Who issues Carbon Credits and Carbon Offsets?

Carbon Credits are generally issued by authorities who administer a mandatory scheme. In Australia that is the Clean Energy Regulator (CER), who administers the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF).

Carbon Offsets are generally issued by independent Not-for-Profit (NFP) Carbon Offset organizations. These include VERRA (Verified Emission Reduction Certificates [VER]), Gold Standard and American Carbon Registry.

Who runs the market?

Mandatory schemes are run by the governing authority.

Voluntary schemes are traded in Over-The-Counter transactions party to party, or with the assistance of a broker.

Is the market regulated?

Mandatory schemes are regulated; voluntary schemes are unregulated.


How are prices of Carbon Credits and Carbon Offsets set?

Globally there are 68 emission trading schemes, and they are National (Country), State and / or City-based. Prices vary from China at A$10 to EUETS at A$156. Australia currently trades Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU’s) at A$35.75. Australia has announced a Mandatory Cap and Trade Carbon Scheme effective from 1 July 2023.

215 of the largest emitters will be given a limit to which they can emit CO2e. This limit will decrease by 4.9% each year. If a participant does not emit up to the limit, they may sell that unused allowance (Carbon Credits). If an emitter exceeds their limit, they will have to buy allowances (Carbon Credits) to meet that excess. The market is free trade but there is a cap on the price of Carbon of A$75. This cap is increased by inflation plus 2% every year, which could see the cap at approximately A$100 by 2030.

What is the outlook for the Carbon Credit & Carbon Offset Markets?

More and more mandatory schemes are being implemented and existing schemes are being tightened to ensure countries can meet their commitments of 55% emission reductions by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050.

Recently the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) saw Carbon Credits trade at their highest price: €100 (A$156). ACCU’s currently trade in Australia at A$35.75 and New Zealand Carbon Credits trade at A$67. Clearly Carbon Credits in these markets are undervalued.


What are Carbon Offset Projects?

Carbon Credit & Carbon Offset Projects are Projects undertaken that remove CO2e from the atmosphere. The Offset unit or Credit is measured as 1 tonne of CO2e. These Projects can be tree / mangrove Projects, energy substitution Projects (wind & solar replacing fossil fuel energy, substituting electric transport vehicles for fossil fuel powered vehicles or Direct Carbon Capture Projects.

Why do these Projects exist?

The world has committed to net-zero emissions by 2050 and on average 55% reduction of emissions by 2030. Industry is not always capable of directly reducing their own emissions, so there needs to be Offset opportunities to meet global targets. Some companies (like Shell, Chevron, Woodside, BHP) are not capable of reaching net-zero emissions by the very nature of their activities.

Carbon Offsets exists because new business opportunities are constantly emerging. If a business opportunity removes CO2e from the atmosphere or replaces a CO2e process or product, they are rewarded financially for this behavior by being granted Credits or Offsets. which they can sell. These Credits or Offsets are sold to emitters who, due to the nature of their industry, cannot reduce their emissions or choose not to reduce them.

Are they profitable?

The Carbon Credit Market has proved to be a profitable marketplace with the price of Carbon Credits rising over the last decade. Mandatory Carbon Schemes have limits for emissions, and these limits reduce every year, putting pressure on demand. New national compulsory schemes are being introduced globally, and corporations are voluntarily reducing their Carbon footprint due to pressure from their stakeholders (shareholders, funders, bankers & customers).

Who checks the Carbon Credit Projects?

Mandatory schemes are checked by the city, state or national authority administering the scheme. In Australia that is the Clean Energy Regulator (CER), who conducts that process through the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF). With Voluntary Carbon Offsets there are independent NFP organizations that register certify audit and issue Offset Certificates (Gold Standard, VERRA, American Carbon Registry).


Who issues the Credits or Offsets?

In compulsory schemes the Credits are issued under the regulations of that country or state. With the voluntary market the Offsets are issues by recognised independent bodies as listed above in point 4.


What is the crypto market?

The crypto market is a market of digital tokens and coins. These digital assets are transferable between parties and those transfers are conducted, verified, and registered on blockchain technology. The blockchains are decentralized so that no one-party has authority over the transactions. The crypto market was originally developed to authenticate transactions. It has developed, like many other markets, into a speculation market where players have differing opinions as to the future value of the token or coin. Trading markets developed that saw Bitcoin go from US$0.40 to US$65,000.

Are there different tokens and coins?

There are 21,910 different tokens and coins in the marketplace all with a different story to tell and sell.

How does it work?

Tokens and coins are issued on a blockchain to people who purchase them. Those tokens and coins can then be sold to other purchasers, and other coins or tokens can be purchased.

Is it regulated?

The market is largely unregulated.

Who runs it?

The crypto market is free trade market. The markets are run through exchanges that facilitate trades on behalf of purchasers and sellers.

How big is the crypto market?

There are 300 million crypto users / traders in the world, and the market was (in 2021) valued at $3 trillion. Its current (2023) value is $1 trillion.

Who are the crypto users?

55% of crypto traders are under 35. 94% of 2021 traded market was aged between 18-40 and they spent on average US$8,596 (A$12,766).

How many crypto users does GAIACOIN need to attract to complete the $35 million ICO?

If this average spend remains constant in 2023, GAIACOIN needs to attract 2,756 (or 0.000001% of) traders / token users out of the 300,000,000 currently actively participating.

2756 traders x AUD 12,700 = AUD 35 million

Do people make money in the token market?

People do and have made significant money in the market. Participants also have lost funds, depending on the trend of the market. Participants make money in a rising market and lose money in a declining market.

Do people lose money in the Token Market?



Is there a demand for another crypto currency?

There is trade in all tokens depending on buyer and seller sentiments. We believe that a unique token like GAIACOIN which invests its resources in reducing CO2 emissions will have significant market appeal, especially with young people who trade in crypto and care about the planet and climate change.

How does it work?

A token is issued off the back of a Whitepaper. A Whitepaper is the mission statement of a token or coin. It spells out what the purpose of the token or coin raising is. Tokens and coins are issued to fund the mission statement.

The crypto market is like any financial market. There are buyers and there are sellers. Sellers think the price will go down; buyers think the price will go up.

There are crypto exchanges where buyers and sellers can complete their trades.

How are token prices set?

Token and coin prices are all set by supply and demand. There are also commentators who evaluate the market and put forward predictions that may influence buyers and sellers.


How does GAIACOIN raise funds by issuing Tokens?

GAIACOIN launches an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). An ICO is a form of blockchain-enabled crowdfunding in which an organization sells crypto coins or tokens as a means of raising funds. These crypto assets are sometimes promoted as having future utility on the platform or blockchain to which they are tied.

Where is the GAIACOIN Token hosted?

GAIACOIN is hosted on Ethereum, the second largest blockchain in the market. Ethereum is a decentralized blockchain platform that establishes a peer-to-peer network which securely executes and verifies application code, called smart contracts. Smart contracts allow participants to transact with each other without a trusted central authority.

How is the GAIACOIN token managed?

GAIACOIN is managed on the Ethereum Blockchain using what is called an ERC20 smart contract. GAIACOIN launches its ICO on the Ethereum Blockchain. Parties then transact with each other (buyers & sellers) to complete token transactions.

What price is a GAIACOIN Token issued at?

GAIACOIN will be issued at $25 a token. Each GAIACOIN Token is divisible up to 18 decimal places so you don’t have to buy 1 whole Token. Buyers can buy fractions at a time – as little as 0.000000000000000001 of a Token if they want.

Who markets the GAIACOIN Initial Coin Offering Token?

Specialized ICO Marketing & Strategy organisations promote the issue of an ICO through social media platforms and dedicated coin and token platforms.

What is the GAIACOIN budget for marketing the ICO?

GAIACOIN has budgeted $2 million in cash and $5 million in token to promote and market the ICO.

What exchanges will the GAIACOIN token be tradeable on?

GAIACOIN will be traded on Ethereum initially and other Exchanges will be added as the business model develops.


Do you think the GAIACOIN Token will increase in value?

GAIACOIN believes that there will be sufficient interest in its token to create the opportunity for increased value.

Is GAIACOIN confident it will raise the first $35 million in token funding?

In discussion with its ICO Strategy & Marketing organisations we have confidence that we will raise the required funds. The result will, however, be subject to market conditions.

What will GAIACOIN do if it doesn’t raise the first $35 million of token funding?

If GAIACOIN does not raise the $35 million and only raises $10 million the ICO and the investment program will still proceed but off a lower base.


What is the GAIACOIN Strategy?

GAIACOIN raises $3.5 million to complete the structure of the business model and to fund the issue of $35 million of tokens. GAIACOIN then launches the token raises the $35 million and invests in Carbon Credits & Offsets and Carbon Credit Projects. GAIACOIN will hold and trade Carbon Credits & Offsets.

How will GAIACOIN invest in Carbon Credits & Offsets?

GAIACOIN will purchase and sell Credits & Offsets through the various exchanges and over the counter parties. These include CBL Xpansiv, Jarden, Viridios, Gold Standard and VERRA.

How will GAIACOIN invest in Carbon Credit Projects?

GAIACOIN will search the available global market for developing Carbon Credit Projects. These Projects will be scored by Viridios and then evaluated by the GAIACOIN inhouse team. Projects proposed to be invested in will be recommended, then evaluated and approved or declined by the Carbon Credit Investment Approval Committee.

What will be the split between Carbon Credits and Carbon Credit Projects?

The current strategy is to have 60% of funds invested in Carbon Credits and 40% invested in Projects. Initially all funds will be in Carbon Credits until we have identified appropriate Carbon Credit Projects. Carbon Credits will be sold, and those funds invested in these Projects.

What does GAIACOIN do if a Carbon Credit Project performs poorly?

As soon as a Carbon Credit Project looks like not performing up to expectations then those Credits are sold and funds reinvested in a better yielding Projects.

How does GAIACOIN decide what Credits & Offset and Projects to invest in?

The investment team evaluates Credits and Project opportunities and prepares a recommendation for the GAIACOIN Investment Committee to consider. This process will be balanced against professional advice also provided by Carbon brokers and advisors.

How much will GAIACOIN have invested in Carbon Credits?

GAIACOIN has budgeted to have $68 million in Carbon credits or equivalent at the end of year 2 and $245 million at the end of year 3.


Contact a representative of GAIACOIN to discuss your eligibility to participate in GAIACOIN.
For all inquiries please contact


Director / CEO

Claudio Parisienne

Tel : + 61 414 548 669
Email craig@gaia.net.au
Website www.GAIACOIN.net.au


  • This material has been prepared by Gaiacoin Pty Ltd (“GAIACOIN”) for informational purposes only, and is neither an offer to buy or sell, nor a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, any security, instrument, or investment, nor solicitation of an offer of any This document is issued by GAIACOIN for the information of the recipient only. The information and opinions expressed in this material are based on publicly available information and the information GAIACOIN has legally obtained. This information has not been verified by GAIACOIN and GAIACOIN gives no warranty and makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document.
  • The document and its contents are confidential and may not be provided or otherwise communicated to anyone other than those to whom it is Furthermore, the information and opinions contained in this material may change without prior notice and may be affected by changes in the initial premises due to, including but not limited to, shifts in the market environment, and/or amendments in accounting and taxation rules and regulations.
  • The assumptions presented herein are strictly hypothetical, and this material does not suggest nor specify all possible The ultimate decision to use the information and opinions expressed in this material should be made based on the sole judgment of each individual receiver of this material.
  • GAIACOIN is not a tax or legal advisor, and as such does not dispense any advice on matters of tax or Any references to tax or legal matters contained in this document do not constitute advice upon which reliance should be placed and an appropriate tax or legal advisor should be consulted prior to taking any action in respect of contents of this document.
  • Any party that wishes to discuss this matter further should contact a representative of
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