The global carbon market is 50 billion tonnes of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions
Climate change is the biggest problem confronting the world today
GHG Emissions are measured as Carbon Dioxide Equivalents (C02e)
Only US$979 billion (23%) of GHG Emissions are part of a financial offset market
77% of GHG Emissions (US$3.3 trillion) are not currently reduced or offset
The market is expected to grow by US$1.7 trillion to be US$2.68 trillion by 2028
Traditional Financial Markets are reluctant to fund this shortfall
Biggest Emitters
Biggest Emitters
Carbon Offset Market
Carbon Offset Market
How does it work?
Carbon produced is offset by carbon removed
Dirty participants produce carbon emissions (emissions)
Clean participants remove carbon (offsets)
Dirty participants buy offsets from clean participants to reduce their emissions footprint
Carbon Credit Market
Carbon Credit Market
The Carbon Credit Market is global and is made up of COMPULSORY and VOLUNTARY Schemes
The largest compulsory market is the EU ETS accounting for 90% (US$818 billion) of the current financial carbon market
Only 23% of the total market is covered by credits
The Voluntary market currently accounts for 1% but is rapidly growing
In past year the Compulsory Carbon Credit Market traded 20% less (12.5billion tonnes) in certificates but the price was up 14%
EU ETS Carbon Credit Certificates were up 50%on last year
Carbon Global Markets
Carbon Global Markets
73 carbon pricing initiatives implemented or scheduled for implementation, with another 23 under consideration.
39 national jurisdictions are covered by these carbon pricing initiatives, with another 13 under consideration.
33 subnational jurisdictions are covered by these carbon pricing initiatives, with another 6 under consideration.
Compulsory Markets
Compulsory Markets
73 carbon pricing policies in operation covering 23% of global emissions
EU ETS Scheme (largest)
Korea ETS (E-ETS)
Climate Action Reserve (California)
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (12 US States)
China ETS (could become largest)
New Zealand
Australia has announced a compulsory scheme to include the 215 largest emitters (28% of annual emissions) effective 1 July 2023 The USA is the only developed country not to have some form of Nationwide carbon pricing in place
USA's Carbon Pricing Gap
USA's Carbon Pricing Gap
Among developed nations, the USA stands out as the sole country without nationwide carbon pricing measures. Pressure is mounting globally for the USA to implement a Compulsory ETS
Voluntary Markets
Where participants are not mandated to reduce their carbon emissions but do so voluntarily.
Carbon Credit Projects are undertaken to reduce or remove carbon emissions.
Reputable Registries evaluate, certify and register these projects issuing Voluntary Carbon Credits.
Carbon emitters then purchase those credits and offset them against their emissions
Voluntary players include Apple Microsoft Amazon and Ikea all who have voluntary net zero emission targets earlier than 2050.
Voluntary Markets
These targets are ambitious considering a lack of carbon offset projects available and lack of funding to develop additional offset projects.
Last Year Tesla Sold $1.78 Billion Of Carbon Credits To Other Auto Manufacturers. Between 2018 and 2022 Tesla has sold US$5.8 Billion of Carbon Credits.
Fiat Chrysler in the last 3 years has purchased $2.4 Billon of Carbon Credits from Tesla
The Voluntary market is growing rapidly due to global demand from companies driven by stakeholders
HSBC mentioned the word "emissions" in its 2022 Annual Report 390 times
Voluntary Carbon Credit Registries
Voluntary Carbon Credit Registries
VERRA who issue “Verified Carbon Units” (VCU) Carbon Credit Certificates
Gold Standard who issue “Verified Emission Reductions” (VER) Carbon Credit Certificates
American Carbon Registry (ACR) established by Winthrop Rockefella of Winrock International, issues ACR’s
Climate Action Reserve
Gaiacoin Project Criteria
nly reward and invest in Projects that are of the highest quality, integrity and benefit the planet
apply the UN objective assessment criteria and insiston the projects achieving the highest level of Environment, Social and Governance Criteria (ESG)
romote, assess and score its projects based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
apply and maintain the Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI)
assess all its Carbon Reduction Projects based upon accurate measurement and reporting, transparency in compliance with PRI, ESG and SDG Principles
Gaiacoin Project Criteria